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​Peer-reviewed (#corresponding author):

  1. Ni, M.#, & Vellend, M. (2024). Soil properties constrain predicted poleward migration of plants under climate change. New Phytologist, 241(1), 131-141. Featured in the Commentary. Winner of the J. Stan Rowe award from the Canadian Botanical Association.

  2. Ni, M.#, Vellend, M. (2024). Soil properties constrain forest understory plant distributions along an elevation gradient. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379(1902), 20230373.

  3. Ni, M., Luo, H. (contributed equally), Xu, H., Chu, C., & Fang, S. # (2023). High temperature can improve the performance of invasive plants by facilitating root growth. American Journal of Botany, 110(10), e16227.

  4. Ni, M.# (2023). Herbarium records reveal multiple phases in the relationship between minimum residence time and invasion ranges of alien plant species. Plants People Planet, 5(1), 47-57.

  5. Zhang, Y., Lin, W., Chu, C., & Ni, M.# (2023). Sex-specific outbreeding advantages and sexual dimorphism in the seedlings of dioecious trees. American Journal of Botany, 110(4), e16153.

  6. Ni, M.#, & Deane, D. C. (2022). Annual first record rate of naturalised non-native plants in China driven by intentional introductions. Biological Invasions, 24(3), 603-606.

  7. Ni, M.#, & Vellend, M. (2021). Space-for-time inferences about range-edge dynamics of tree species can be influenced by sampling biases. Global Change Biology, 27(10), 2102-2112.

  8. Ni, M., Deane, D. C., Li, S., Wu, Y., Sui, X., Xu, H., ... & Fang, S.# (2021). Invasion success and impacts depend on different characteristics in non-native plants. Diversity and Distributions, 27(7), 1194-1207.

  9. Ni, M.#, & Hulme, P. E. (2021). Botanic gardens play key roles in the regional distribution of first records of alien plants in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(8), 1572-1582.

  10. Ni, M., Liu, Y., Chu, C., Xu, H., & Fang, S.# (2018). Fast seedling root growth leads to competitive superiority of invasive plants. Biological Invasions, 20(7), 1821-1832.

  11. Tian, Z.#, Chen, W., Maimaiti, M., Akberjan, E., Ni, M., Su, Z., Liu, B., Lv, H. (2024) Climate and soil nutrients generate distinct diversity patterns across four elevational gradients within the same region. Acta Oecologica, 124, 104018.

  12. Zhang, L., Ni, M., Zhu, T., Xu, X., Zhou, S.#, & Shipley, B. (2022). Nitrogen addition in a Tibetan alpine meadow increases intraspecific variability in nitrogen uptake, leading to increased community-level nitrogen uptake. Ecosystems, 25(1), 172-183.

  13. Yin, D., Meiners, S. J., Ni, M., Ye, Q., He, F., & Cadotte, M. W.# (2022). Positive interactions of native species melt invasional meltdown over long-term plant succession. Ecology Letters, 25(12), 2584-2596. 

  14. Luo, W., Ni, M., Wang, Y., Lan, R., Eissenstat, D. M., Cahill, J. F., ... & Chu, C.# (2021). Limited evidence of vertical fine-root segregation in a subtropical forest. New Phytologist, 231(6), 2308-2318. 

  15. Vellend, M.#, Béhé, M., Carteron, A., Crofts, A. L., Danneyrolles, V., Gamhewa, H. T., Ni, M., Rinas, C., & Watts, D. A. (2021). Plant responses to climate change and an elevational gradient in Mont Mégantic National Park, Québec, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(sp11), 4-28. Contribution: writing and data analysis.

  16. Wu, Y., Kwak, J. H., Karst, J., Ni, M., Yan, Y., Lv, X., ... & Chang, S. X.# (2021). Long-term nitrogen and sulfur deposition increased root-associated pathogen diversity and changed mutualistic fungal diversity in a boreal forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 155, 108163. Contribution: revision.

  17. Chu, C.#, Lutz, J. A., Král, K., Vrška, T., Yin, X., Myers, J. A., ... (including Ni, M.), & He, F. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters, 22(2), 245-255. 

In preparation and review: 

  1. Ni, M.#, Svenning, J.C., Strong impacts of native and alien mesoherbivores on tree regeneration and plant invasions are modulated by climatic and landscape contexts at a continental scale. In preparation for Ecological Monographs. Preprint:

  2. Ni, M.#, Lundgren, E., Atkinson, J., Villalva, P. V., Wu, W., Svenning, J.C., Native and Alien Ungulate Expansion Across North America: A Path to Ecosystem Functionality Restoration. In preparation for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  3. Ni, M.#, Vellend, M., Soil effects on vegetation dynamics under climate change. In preparation for Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

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