Peer-reviewed (#corresponding author):
Ni, M.#, & Vellend, M. (2024). Soil properties constrain predicted poleward migration of plants under climate change. New Phytologist, 241(1), 131-141. Featured in the Commentary. Winner of the J. Stan Rowe award from the Canadian Botanical Association.
Ni, M.#, Vellend, M. (2024). Soil properties constrain forest understory plant distributions along an elevation gradient. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 379(1902), 20230373.
Ni, M., Luo, H. (contributed equally), Xu, H., Chu, C., & Fang, S. # (2023). High temperature can improve the performance of invasive plants by facilitating root growth. American Journal of Botany, 110(10), e16227.
Ni, M.# (2023). Herbarium records reveal multiple phases in the relationship between minimum residence time and invasion ranges of alien plant species. Plants People Planet, 5(1), 47-57.
Zhang, Y., Lin, W., Chu, C., & Ni, M.# (2023). Sex-specific outbreeding advantages and sexual dimorphism in the seedlings of dioecious trees. American Journal of Botany, 110(4), e16153.
Ni, M.#, & Deane, D. C. (2022). Annual first record rate of naturalised non-native plants in China driven by intentional introductions. Biological Invasions, 24(3), 603-606.
Ni, M.#, & Vellend, M. (2021). Space-for-time inferences about range-edge dynamics of tree species can be influenced by sampling biases. Global Change Biology, 27(10), 2102-2112.
Ni, M., Deane, D. C., Li, S., Wu, Y., Sui, X., Xu, H., ... & Fang, S.# (2021). Invasion success and impacts depend on different characteristics in non-native plants. Diversity and Distributions, 27(7), 1194-1207.
Ni, M.#, & Hulme, P. E. (2021). Botanic gardens play key roles in the regional distribution of first records of alien plants in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(8), 1572-1582.
Ni, M., Liu, Y., Chu, C., Xu, H., & Fang, S.# (2018). Fast seedling root growth leads to competitive superiority of invasive plants. Biological Invasions, 20(7), 1821-1832.
Tian, Z.#, Chen, W., Maimaiti, M., Akberjan, E., Ni, M., Su, Z., Liu, B., Lv, H. (2024) Climate and soil nutrients generate distinct diversity patterns across four elevational gradients within the same region. Acta Oecologica, 124, 104018.
Zhang, L., Ni, M., Zhu, T., Xu, X., Zhou, S.#, & Shipley, B. (2022). Nitrogen addition in a Tibetan alpine meadow increases intraspecific variability in nitrogen uptake, leading to increased community-level nitrogen uptake. Ecosystems, 25(1), 172-183.
Yin, D., Meiners, S. J., Ni, M., Ye, Q., He, F., & Cadotte, M. W.# (2022). Positive interactions of native species melt invasional meltdown over long-term plant succession. Ecology Letters, 25(12), 2584-2596.
Luo, W., Ni, M., Wang, Y., Lan, R., Eissenstat, D. M., Cahill, J. F., ... & Chu, C.# (2021). Limited evidence of vertical fine-root segregation in a subtropical forest. New Phytologist, 231(6), 2308-2318.
Vellend, M.#, Béhé, M., Carteron, A., Crofts, A. L., Danneyrolles, V., Gamhewa, H. T., Ni, M., Rinas, C., & Watts, D. A. (2021). Plant responses to climate change and an elevational gradient in Mont Mégantic National Park, Québec, Canada. Northeastern Naturalist, 28(sp11), 4-28. Contribution: writing and data analysis.
Wu, Y., Kwak, J. H., Karst, J., Ni, M., Yan, Y., Lv, X., ... & Chang, S. X.# (2021). Long-term nitrogen and sulfur deposition increased root-associated pathogen diversity and changed mutualistic fungal diversity in a boreal forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 155, 108163. Contribution: revision.
Chu, C.#, Lutz, J. A., Král, K., Vrška, T., Yin, X., Myers, J. A., ... (including Ni, M.), & He, F. (2019). Direct and indirect effects of climate on richness drive the latitudinal diversity gradient in forest trees. Ecology Letters, 22(2), 245-255.
In preparation and review:
Ni, M.#, Svenning, J.C., Strong impacts of native and alien mesoherbivores on tree regeneration and plant invasions are modulated by climatic and landscape contexts at a continental scale. In preparation for Ecological Monographs. Preprint:
Ni, M.#, Lundgren, E., Atkinson, J., Villalva, P. V., Wu, W., Svenning, J.C., Native and Alien Ungulate Expansion Across North America: A Path to Ecosystem Functionality Restoration. In preparation for Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Ni, M.#, Vellend, M., Soil effects on vegetation dynamics under climate change. In preparation for Trends in Ecology and Evolution.